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I was really excited to watch Six the Musical about a month ago and I personally thought this live performance was excellent! Based at the Curve Theatre in Leicester.  I didn't do any background research on it as I wanted it to be surprise and was overly impressed when the curtains went up! The show delivered an uplifting energy! 

A spectacular 21st Century style show which represented the six wives of Henry VIII during the Tudor times. This featured modern costumes with dramatic dance moves. The talented cast members sing their hearts out to the applauding audience. 

Each of the wives compete by singing songs and describing which one had the worst time with Henry VIII. Dark stories from 500 years ago told in a comical and energetic way. A very zestful theatre which had a strong dynamic use of strobe and flashing lights with upbeat music which had the masked audience standing up on their feet! 
A spectacular performance! 


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