Better to let go or stop holding on to them. Accepting their commitment towards one another. I know it is easier said than done. It will be hard at first however it will gradually become less painful over time.
It is up to an individual to take their time during the grieving process. However it would not be advisable to drink alcohol during this time. I personally wouldn't recommend this! It is better to focus on you and do positive things for yourself. Allow enough time for the sense of loss, anger, anxiety, sadness and the pain to dissipate.
Express your feelings by confiding in a close friend or relative and also keep a journal so you can write down all your emotions. Avoid checking their social media account for any updates! Keep your distance from them as much as you can or avoid any form of contact until you feel good about yourself. It is better to let your emotions out in the present moment whilst it is still raw as bottling things up can make the situation a lot worse. Even go shopping and have a makeover.
Go out with friends, take up a new hobby. So your focus will be on other things as the world is your oyster! Now is the time to set yourself free. maybe learn a language or go on holiday! Do something exciting! Something you have always wanted to do and keep your social life active so that your attention is on your new life! Focus on your plans for the day! If any negative thoughts about the situation appear then think of something really funny as a distraction. Or take a deep breath and let the thought float away naturally which is what I do!
Keeping active is also a good thing and meditation or getting into spirituality. I always find that meditation calms the mind down. Accepting the loss as it is and learning to let go when you are ready can help the situation become better. Also keep busy by doing things you love and listening to music that you enjoy listening to. Whatever usually makes you feel good about yourself. Gradually you will be able to heal!
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