The reason why Law of Attraction (LOA) may not be working out for you is because of how you might be feeling whilst trying to manifest your dream into reality. Is it something you truly want and desire?  Sometimes when we try too hard to manifest this can be harder for the Universe to deliver what you truly want to experience in this present moment. 

If you are overthinking (which is what I tend to do) take a step back and believe that the Universe will take care of it. Distract yourself by doing other activities which doesn't involve the thing you want to experience so you get out of the belief that you don't have that thing that you truly want. 

Sometimes Law of Attraction doesn't work in the way you might want it to work because there might be other things going on in your subconscious mind. This could be that there is a lack of confidence and the belief that Law of Attraction isn't working. So the Universe delivers just this! Better to relax and believe! 

Have faith in the Universe. sometimes it may take longer for the thing you want to experience. However if it hasn't happened, it doesn't necessarily mean that its never going to happen. It just means that it might take longer than usual. It is always better to manifest when you are not as attached to the outcome. Be in a relaxed state of mind and know that it is definitely going to happen. Declare it by having a strong vision of what you want. You can also do this by creating a vision board either by printing or drawing pictures of your goals. 

Have a positive mindset and be around people that make you feel positive. Do things that make you feel happy! Be as if you already have the thing that you desire. Before you know it you will have had the experience that you asked for delivered to you in unexpected ways! 

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Thank you for reading this week's article! 


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