Speak out and be true to yourself. Make yourself happy first before trying to make anyone else happy because when you try to make other people happy then this can result in you fulfilling their dreams and stop you from manifesting your own reality. They will be cheerful in the short-term however this could lead to unhappiness for you in the long term.

Help yourself first before helping others. This way you will be prepared and fully aligned with whatever challenges or goals you may experience throughout your life. Speak with wisdom and honesty so anything that might be troubling you is out into the open. It is claimed by spiritual healers that if one does not speak the truth then this can lead to health issues such as pain in the neck, jaw, tongue, throat and thyroid. 

Heal your throat

This can be meditation. By crossing your legs and sitting up straight with hands placed on knees. Inhale oxygen and all the positive energy from it. Hold for a few seconds then exhale which will release any negative tension. 

Do a few exercises such as rotating your neck to keep your energy flowing around the body and release any tension. 

You can also balance the throat chakra by wearing the colour blue as this is associated with the throat. The colour blue is calming which may release any jaw, throat or neck tension that may be caused by daily stressful thoughts. 

You can also wear blue coloured jewellery with blue coloured stones such as aquamarine, blue topaz, lapis lazuli or incorporate your home or place of work with blue decor. 

Speaking of truth. Be true to yourself by also treating yourself from time to time! Why not try out a different perfume such as Eve Truth Eau de Parfum by Avon? This is one of my favourite perfumes and I love the bottle too!

Check it out by clicking on the link below!


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