There might be times which you may not feel as confident. So here are a few tips. Think of the times when you do feel confident about yourself. It could be something very simple. You probably feel more confident around a specific person or the way you tie up your hair. If that is the case then think of those moments. Set that image into your mind.
Do something that makes you feel confident as well. This might involve a bike ride every morning or a walk in the park. Sometimes being in the fresh air is very spiritual and can help with any negative thoughts that maybe be playing on your mind.
Also speak to yourself. Yes that's right! Do this when you are alone of course ha-ha! Self talk definitely helps gain clarity! Or keep a diary which you can keep with you. Write down all your feelings in the early hours of the morning and just before you go to bed so when you wake up the next day you feel better about yourself. Keep the diary private so I would suggest putting it somewhere that no one will able to access as these are your own private thoughts.
Creating positive affirmations can help as well. These are short sentences that instruct the conscious part of the brain to send messages to the subconscious. For example: I am super happy today and I have heaps of energy! How do you feel when you read that sentence? It may take a while for your mind to adjust to this new technique however you will gradually see a difference!
Dressing up and wearing your favourite outfit can also help too as this will show your personality and a smile attracts love and positivity. It doesn't necessarily have to be romantic love unless if you are looking for love (wink wink) it can be a little compliment along the way. As humans we are sociable creatures and we all love to interact with one another despite what might be happening around the world at this moment in time. We were born to love which is one of the highest frequency level (I will explain more about this another time).
I will leave you with a picture I took of one of my clients who is wearing one of my creations! This was during her 74th Birthday and she matched her outfit with one of my clutch bags!
If you like the look of my design why not have a look on my website for some inspiration?
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