I had a one hour acupuncture session at a local Herbal Clinic yesterday. Now for those of you that do not have a clue what this is I will explain. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine which is sometimes recommended as an alternative route to modern medicine. This involves thin needles inserted into the body (yes needles but they don't hurt like an injection). All I felt was a slight pinch and then the needle would be in.

I decided to go for this session because I want to see the benefit of acupuncture. I had one session about a couple of years ago and it was very relaxing. Although I felt better and lighter during the day the symptoms still came back. But I think that is due to my busy lifestyle.

It helps to have that balance. It is always best to make time for yourself once in a while to release and stress or emotions which may be blocking your energy levels. Acupuncture is said to balance the body and release any negativity which can cause symptoms such as stress, anxiety and depression which lead to other illnesses.

Although there isn't any scientific evidence that this medicinal route has any beneficial effect some patients may find that this is a placebo effect and they may feel a sense of emotional relief. I found that it definitely made me feel relaxed whether it was the needles or whether it was just the experience in itself.

After I had the acupuncture I had the cupping session which involved about 8 round glass cups that were placed on my back for my energy to be sucked out. They felt really heavy but after a few minutes I didn't feel the tension which I normally feel on my back.

Cupping is also another Chinese form of medicine and like acupressure there isn't any evidence which suggests that it can heal or cure any symptoms such as back pain. Although I did find that it helped my back as the weight of the cup on my back felt good. After this session I drank heaps of water and I was left with bruises on my back a few hours later. They don't hurt but they may hurt for those that are sensitive and the cups have that sucking sensation like a hoover so it can feel quite uncomfortable at first.

Anyway on that note I am grateful that you have read this article and I will keep writing until next time! :)


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