Images of Disney Castle sourced from and

A new year and a new start. Instead of setting up a new year's resolution why not focus on how you want to feel this year? What does becoming rich mean to you? Is it the freedom of travelling at anytime you like? Is it to spend quality time with your children? Or maybe it is to win that big lottery ticket or live in your dream home.

Whatever rich means to you, apply the law of attraction technique by simply focusing on the feeling of having the thing that you want to manifest in real life. On this post I will focus on how to manifest a new mansion, if you want to live and experience this in your life. One of the law of attraction techniques you can apply is to visualize a picture of living in that house in the present moment. Apply your emotions into it by acting as if you are already in your dream home! How does it feel? A sense of independence and feeling comfortable in your own home?

Are you cooking a meal for your family and friends in your house? Are you watching movies with them? What does the decoration look like? Maybe look at particular houses you would like to live in and keep images of them on your phone, tablet, Pinterest or cut pictures out and stick them onto a mood board.

As soon as you have done this, keep a positive outlook on life and let go of the idea of living in the house by believing that the dream will become real. Let the law of attraction do it's magic and guide you to your new palace. Maybe you will receive a promotion, a new job opportunity or your business will do really well financially that you will be able to buy the mansion of your dreams. Let go of the idea by keeping busy throughout your day whether it is looking after your children, going to work, cycling etc.

Feel positive and truly believe your dream home is on it's way to you. Look out for any signs such as new houses on the market or property exhibitions etc. Engage with people that already live in these type of houses by attending property exhibitions so that you get into the right mind set and meet the right people that will guide you into the right direction.

Open up a savings account as well and put aside a certain amount of funds into that account so your are in the frequency of making this dream a reality. Set the intention. Also be grateful for your current situation and visulaize these positive thoughts everyday for 5-10 minutes usually when you wake up in the morning or when you are ready to go to bed during the night as that is the time when we are most relaxed. Focus on your breathing techniques too so your mind is relaxed.

Anyway that is all from me in this year's new post! Once again Happy New Year and thank you for reading my article!


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