Say goodbye to negative thoughts such as any form of stress, anxiety, resent, hatred, anger, fear, loss or lack of something in your life by creating positive thoughts. This can be easier said then done. So in today's article we will look at a much more simple way to overcome these feelings.

The best possible way is to find a spot where it is much more relaxed such as a nice beach, park, a prayer room/place of worship, your bedroom or living room. Be in the comfort of your own company in a safe environment. 

Relax your body and sit comfortably on a chair or sofa or lay on top of the bed. Whichever feels comfortable. Keep a bottled water by your side.

Now slowly take a deep breath in from the stomach, hold it for a few seconds and slowly breath out out releasing any unpleasant thoughts as you breathe out from the nose. You should notice that as you breathe in the stomach fluctuates and as you breathe out the stomach should decrease in size again.

Slowly breathe in again and imagine a clear light entering your body as you breathe in. Imagine your unpleasant thoughts as grey smoke as you breathe out. 

Repeat this process for about 10 times. You may feel a little bit light headed and dizziness if you are not used to this type of relaxation technique. Drink plenty of water and eat fruit to keep the body hydrated. 

If you are still feeling tense then repeat this process a few times during the day. You will see vast improvements in the quality of your life and it will make a huge difference to feelings of stress and anxiety. A sense of peace and tranquility will fulfill your daily routine and things will become much more clearer.  

Drinking plenty of water definitely helps and removes any impurities from the skin. I also recommend using this fantastic skin care range such as the Ultimate Distillery Complete Skincare Kit which is packaged in a lovely box. Visit my store

Thank you for reading my article! 


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