Picture of a swan in a local park

The weather was been really beautiful for the past few days and I really enjoyed this weekend! I attended a Cycle event which was really fun as it is a huge festival for families to enjoy whilst cycling in the streets.

There were several stalls set up in different locations around the city and also the chance to cycle into the local football stadium which was really exciting!

I was even more determined to cycle a few more laps and had the chance to take some beautiful shots of the swans the following day as the weather was divine which I was very grateful for it. The climate made me feel super energised and vibrant and I feel as beautiful as the photo which I took of the swan (above).

I find when I focus my energy on doing things which I love and enjoy then everything naturally works itself out and I feel relaxed. Sometimes when I focus my energy on all the goodness in this world then positive things happen for me. Even when I want to achieve something that might be a bit challenging.

The main thing I focus on is the reward itself and me achieving this desire.  I met up with friends that I wanted to meet up with without even using my mobile phone! Just by visualising/daydreaming about the day ahead and giving myself permission to make it a fun day made things flow like a stream of water on a mountain.

Life is about love, peace, joy and happiness which makes the world go round. When I think of nice thoughts I can sense this beautiful warm energy around me and I feel so much love for the universe that is expanding as we speak.We are much more then our physical bodies. Something much more powerful which is unexplainable but exciting and rewarding at the same time.


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