We live in a world where we are in constant battle with society. We are always aiming to achieve something bigger and better that is 'up there or out there' in order for us to make us fulfilled. What we are forgetting is to focus on the present and be happy and grateful for the moment we are experiencing now which is the present. We get so caught up trying to aim for something and set these high expectations for the future which causes us to become anxious as we tend to forget about living in the moment. So I created this article just to remind us that we have the freedom to enjoy the present moment as it is given to us as a gift hence the word present.


Sometimes letting go of the past is easier said than done. It takes time and patience to learn to let go. This maybe memories of an ex that broke your heart, a bully that picked on you, or a job opportunity that declined your application form. Whatever it might be letting go can be hard because of the emotions which are attached to that memory. The best way is to focus on the present moment. This can be doing daily things such as taking up a new yoga class or taking your dog for a walk to distract you from the thoughts that may not be serving you. There is nothing wrong with thinking about the past but if it makes you unhappy then the time is now to make that change for a happier and healthier you. Ways to let go can be done such as writing all your emotions down in a diary or expressing how you feel to a close relative, friend or someone that you can trust. If someone has hurt your feelings such as an ex, former friend, your boss etc write a letter to them expressing how it has made you feel. You don't necessarily have to send the letter to them it is just a way to express your feelings and release any tensions. Sometimes painting or drawing helps or writing songs, playing an instrument, going for a jog. Whatever works for you. Or if you have hurt them maybe forgive yourself first and then possibly contact them to express your emotions. Ask yourself why these thoughts keep reappearing in your mind and what you can do to make things better for you or for those that are involved. Ask yourself what you have learned from it and how you can do things different. This can be the making of you, a better and higher version of you.


Enjoy the present moment! Learn to live life to the max. Enjoy spending time with your friends, your partner, children, your family. Go out for meals or go on that dream vacation, riding your bike, reading a book etc. Do things that make you happy in the present and the past will soon pass by like a distant cloud. Anything that helps you to focus on something else. Do something that is healthy. I tend to go cycling as physical outdoor activity is a good method to release any tension.

It is good to embrace life and enjoy every minute of it in nature!

We often tell ourselves that we need a brand new car, a house, a relationship etc, so we set these intentions that we must do this to make us happy. But if we truly let go of these high expectations then we can fully embrace the present moment and be happy and grateful for what we have now. If we did get those materialistic things such as a brand new car, a house, a career to make us happy then we tend to set the stakes even higher and we don't allow ourselves to be happy in the present moment. We just end up asking for more and more. Instead we put this fear and anxious thoughts into our belief system and we forget who we are because we are too caught up worrying about the future and what maybe.

Be excited for the future by living it in the present. Make preparations for the future instead. This might be as simple as arranging a meal for a friend or saving up for a car. Prepare and make plans by writing a list or creating a vision board so any doubts will be eroded from your belief system and everything will fall in it's place. Reward yourself after setting a goal and then achieving it such as watching your favourite movie after completing your account or book system or arrange to hang out with friends after completing your exams. Life will become a lot more easier and manageable because you will set your goals on a more step by step approach. In my next article I will show you examples of how I set my goals for the day and how to overcome procrastination.

I love going abroad with my partner as a reward

Let the sadness of the past go now and don't let the fear of the future ruin your happiness of the present! I would like to say a massive thank you for reading my article and visiting my website!


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